Building a legacy, one customer at a time.


BelGAS CP makes control products to strategically respond to the needs of the oil and gas industry, creating a range of instrumentation used on the well pad and beyond. Product categories include pressure regulators, control valves, level controls, pilots, and accessories. Individual products include level indicators, pressure relief valves, gauges, needle valves, and more.

The oil and gas industry is based on trust, safety, and performance. These values are built in to the corporate fabric of BelGAS CP. Our customers know they can trust us to keep their people and their own customers safe while performing to or above expectations. It’s the core of our reputation.

Over the years, supplying the oil and gas industry has evolved into a productfocused business. More companies forego personal service, losing the human touch that once made the oil business feel like a community. At BelGAS CP, we’re veteran oilmen and remember these simpler times. We not only remember, we strive to maintain that hands-on spirit of the past in the way we operate today. It means every BelGAS CP employee still travels with a full set of tools, flameretardant clothing, and a hardhat so they’re ready at a moment’s notice to pitch in on a customer project. It means we service what we sell—and we service what the other guys sell, too, because they won’t. It means no customer will ever be made to feel “too small,” because we service every account like it’s our own. Our customers’ end result is our only definition of success.

BelGAS CP is a one-stop shop for any OEM producing surface production equipment for oil and gas exploration. We help increase safety for a variety of processes including oil and/or gas separation, treating, heating, and more.

In 2018, BelGAS CP was created to strategically respond to the needs of the oil and gas industry by placing all control products under their own banner. At the same time, BelGAS FM was formed to serve a similar purpose for flame management products, while BelGAS remained for high- and low-pressure regulator products. Together, the three entities offer distinct instrumentation and control products for non-overlapping—though equally critical— operations common to the oil and gas market. Their dedicated teams deliver a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of the industry and these applications.

Here is just one example of the top-to-bottom products available from BelGAS CP. Every lettered callout represents a product we offer to dress out a three-phase separator. Taken together, it’s a total solution.